Did I put diving in the heading? Well there has been very little of that done over the past 6 weeks. Port Elizabeth has received almost 4 years of rain in just 2 weeks resulting in widespread floods and mayhem. This has not done anything for the viz in and around PE, with record swell of up to 7 meters been recorded. Many of the local rivers and estuaries also came down in flood with the Swartkops river being the worst hit resulting in a seriously trashed eastern Algoa Bay after all the mud/silt that was pushed out the system by the flood waters.
OK, I have vented my frustrations. I have to admit however that its not all doom and gloom in Port Elizabeth. As mentioned in my previous post PE now has its very own Spearfishing Club called Gully Jumpers. We had our inaugural AGM just 2 weeks back and elected in our committee. It is encouraging to see how many guys are so eager to see the sport grow in an area some up Natal way might scoff at for its lack of viz.
Well the club is officially off the ground thanks to the likes of Nick Horn and Richard Leonard and we can already look forward to our first comp the Gully Challenge. This will eventually become the main annual club comp, while only catering for club members in its formative year, we look forward to expanding it to include all national clubs. We have secured some amazing sponsorship for the comp from all of the local spearfishing suppliers and can happily say that everyone will walk away winners!
The clubs mission is based on the growth of spearfishing as a sport and is therefore geared towards development and beginners, helping interested people experience the sport for what it really is - Amazing!
So if you are in PE and interested in the sport of spearfishing now is the best time to get involved. Head over to www.gullyjumpers.co.za and sign up as a member, trust me you wont be sorry!
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